Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pre-Mommy Coach Purses were a Luxury.......

Before my mother days, I was into the trends, designer labels, LOVED Coach Purses, and of course Abercrombie and Fitch lol, and Nordstrom was my fave store. Tiffany's was the only jewelry I would wear haha. I thought it was important to keep updated with the trends, showing off my expensive purses, with "C's all over them haha, and large leather handles that never stayed on my petite shoulders, and were always huge next to my petite figure lol! at that time I thought having pricey designer labels were important to have and people treated you nicely. or just assumed we had lots of extra money to spend. its not like i splurged alot, Matt kept my spending in check, and I knew what I could afford and not afford. Matt always gave me the NEED and WANT lectures hahaha, in reality I needed the reminder every now and then.

Then came the day Aliana was born, and the day of me becoming a Mother. Those commercials were serious when they said, "your life changes when a baby comes into your life" because everything changed! I no longer wanted those luxurious materials anymore. I didn't have the desire for them. I don't care about what brand jeans I am wearing, or the shoes, or practically anything. now if i do get anything luxurious its for a birthday present, or Christmas. which is nice because its exciting, and something new.

Now I have the desires to buy my babies nice things. I am practical about it now that the twins are here. When it was only Aliana, i was at Baby GAP all the time hahahaha, now we are at TARGET 24/7! and lets say, Matt is a bit happier for that. hahaha also, now our money goes to diapers, wipes, toddler formula, since the twins are lactose intolerant, preschool tuition, kids essentials drink to help aliana fill in her missing vitamins she's not getting in her food, and so on....when I went to a co-workers baby shower, the first thing she said when she saw the twins for the first time was "that looks expensive" ummm you think? hahaha, I just have to be grateful that triplets or more were not in my cards, phew! I watched the Raising Sextuplets, and Quints by Surprise, and it makes me thankful! lol. we would be living in a shack on the beach if we had more lol. EVERYTHING IS TO THE CARE OF OUR BABIES. AND I WOULDN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!

I sometimes envy the people who do have the nice materialistic things, but then I look at my hubby and babies, and realize they are whats important to me.

So besides, the hugs, kisses and lots of LOVE I get from my babies. My Luxury is a some sort of flavored Latte!


  1. I loved this post Nalia!! Also, I think you're family is already so naturally beautiful that you don't need to jazz it up with labels and "luxurious" expenses! :) Corny I know, but so true!!
