Tuesday, September 21, 2010

teething babies....

the past couple weeks, Brody has been waking up screaming at 3am, last night it was 4am....i think its from this one bottom tooth thats coming in. Kaleb and Brody are over their cold. Brody goes back to sleep with me in our bed. I need to kick that habit, but its just so much easier when i am half asleep...today i am running on 5 hours of sleep. didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning, rushing out the door once again to get aliana to preschool on time. I am going to be one of those mom's who give their kid a pop-tart and make them eat on the way to school while i speed down the street lol....usually i am pretty good and time management, I am not a morning person, so its a tad bit harder for me to get going haha. This morning was exhausting, i think i slept wrong last night, my neck hurts, and i rushed my shower, dropped aliana off at preschool, had some time to get a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, then had to go to a last minute dr. appt for Kaleb. (not going to explain the reason, you can call me to know what happened) and got out in time to pick up Aliana, then went to Babies R Us to get fleece pj's for the twins, diapers, formula...as i was shopping, aliana was sliding her butt on the dusty shelves, and organizing the clothes, you're welcome babies r us...came home, ate lunch, now watching Phineas and Ferb with Aliana, its a hilarious disney cartoon!

ok got side tracked, back to the teething...not sure if its teething, or night terrors...Aliana had a lot of night terrors, she only got a fever and was miserable when her what i like to call Vampire teeth came in hahaha. i get nervous about using the orajel on their gums because i hear they can choke on their saliva while sleeping. i rather deal with less sleep than them choking...
and they are having a hard time taking their naps, or being stubborn and don't want to take their nap, like their big sister. I am having a hard time getting her take a nap somedays...you would think on her preschool days she would be tired and want to take a nap....geesh....

Kaleb is screaming, he doesn't want to take a nap.....or he lost his binky...


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