Monday, October 4, 2010

cursed for life....

ok so i have had my fair share of people assuming i am a teenager, a teen mom, a nanny, a babysitter, you name it....i know i do not look my age, and i am not the average adult height, but i think the public needs to stop assuming how old people are by their looks. whatever i have learned to take it with a grain of salt, but today was just another one....

Me, and the kids are in babies r us, the twins are in the stroller, and Aliana is walking. I was looking at the twilight section passing by getting my edward and jacob fixes lol, this lady came up to me, says looks like you have your hands full, how do you do it? I just chuckled and was like oh their good babies, i got pretty lucky, and she said, i want to make sure these babies are okay, i am sure being a teenager, a single mom and raising 3 little ones especially twins must be very difficult financially and emotionally. you know adoption might have been a good option, I said WHOA!! first of all, I am NOT a teenager!! I am 26 years old tomorrow!, married, and their daddy is an engineer!! and she said i am sorry, i am having a hard time believing that, and i said, well thats your problem!, and walked away. she said, i feel sorry for those babies, and I will pray for you. I said, no i will pray for you so god has mercy on you for judging me on my appearance........BITCH!!! LOL!! i just wanted to look at Edward and Jacob peacefully LOL! now really thinking about why she might have assumed i was a teenager is because i was in the Twilight section? but still, Moms and adults can love edward and jacob too! :)
i laugh about it now, i called matt and told him what happened, and he laughed too, and said what were you doing in the twilight section? and thats all he had to say about it lol

i mean where do people get the nerve to assume things like that!! i mean seriously!! you don't mess with a mother when it comes to their kids, mama bear attack comes out! I will claw your eyes out! and i can be a bitch when necessary lol....i mean what was she going to do? call the police and she would come out as the idiot? that would have been a huge mess and waste of tax dollars...

oh well, oh ya my 26th birthday is Oct.5th tomorrow! but I am more excited for the 7th on thursday! we get our PFD's! Vacation here we come! woot woot!!


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